April 1, 2014

Crowd Funding a Book and the Power of Social Media- Essences of Wine by Alder Yarrow Gets Over Funded Through Kickstarter

For the past year I have been collaborating on a project with popular wine blogger Alder Yarrow. His writing, the subject matter and his formidable following online made the project very appealing. It proved to be an extremely gratifying subject to photograph over the course of a year. Working for a relatively new medium (the blog) was interesting as well. It's potential for exposure is enormous, and yet because blogs generally are authored by one person and therefore reflect one person's voice, they tend to allow for creativity and exploration.

The culmination of the project has taken book form. With that said, a Kickstarter campaign was launched and Essences of Wine is now over-funded. The beauty of crowd sourcing is that as an artist, writer, film maker, dancer, inventor, educator or whatever, you are not limited to the traditional avenues of getting your work out there- you have an opportunity to follow your creative instincts and see if there is an audience for it. This is important for all creatives and I am grateful that things like Kickstarter and Blurb Books have opened up the possibilities for both the creators and the audiences.


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